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Phersei Investigation
Frequently Asked questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

For a free preliminary investigative consultation, you can contact Phersei Investigations & Security Group in Milan.

Our investigative agency, specialized in:

private investigations;
corporate investigations;
asset-financial information;
Security services,

has always been sensitive to the needs of people, companies and corporations, in order to clarify the role of investigative agencies, their usefulness and the ways in which they intervene, answering the most frequent questions that are asked by their clients.

To benefit of a consultation with our investigative agency, you can make your request by email or by phone. You will find an expert, professional and discreet, able to provide you with the information and clarifications you need.

A private investigator can conduct an investigation without instruction by the client?


The investigative activities of a private investigation agency can only be carried out following a regular award of attorney issued by the customer’s investigative institute.
The contribution must be signed and approved  by the customer.
The private investigator or detective agency that carries out activities without granting the customer commits a serious violation of existing legislation.

Phersei  operates only after signing the assignment of the customer contribution.

The investigative agencies must be legally authorized by a license to carry out an investigation?


Only a ‘ detective agency legally authorized  by the Prefecture by license art. 134 TULLPS, which must be displayed at the offices of the investigating agencies, can play private investigations and corporate investigations, valid in court, and provide evidence of producible sources. Do not rely on professionals who are not licensed.

Contact Pherseifor advice, authorized investigative agency.

The surveillance is lawful spouse?

If suspicions of infidelity you can monitor or oversee the husband’s wife?

YES  you can monitor your husband or monitor his wife  because the spouse has the right, through the use investigative agency authorized by the Prefecture, to gather sources of evidence aimed at asserting its own right in court in order to with a separation of guilt charge.

During surveillance of the husband or wife of the detective agency will detect any conduct, behavior and situations that may be harmful to the honor of the spouse and the family and that could destabilize the family unit.

Guarding the husband or wife oversee through an investigative service that must be made in compliance with the regulations, it does not constitute invasion of privacy.

The surveillance of the spouse, within the limits of current legislation, is lawful.

For advice regarding the call monitoring services Phersei investigations.

How do I start a private investigation in Milan?

Need to carry out private investigation in Milan?

To start a  private investigation in Milan  carried out with the utmost professionalism and reliable results must contact the detective agency Phersei in Milan. Following an initial contact email or telephone followed by an appointment at our offices or at your location during which it will be possible to understand the problem and determine the right strategy to be taken in order to reach the solution

The documentation produced during the investigation (written and photo report) is valid in court?
YES. The milano Phersei investigation agency produces valid evidence in court. All our our private investigations and corporate investigations have legal value, consist of detailed technical reports complete with photo by  which are found all operational interest events. Our reports are also complete, as necessary for the attainment of the objective, the surveys, inspections, investigations and techniques and expertise required to support the activity.
Is useful to contact a private investigator to marital infidelity?

Contacting an authorized private investigator is useful and necessary if you intend to discover the infidelity or marital infidelity of partners in order to assert its rights in court in case of divorce or separation.

The survey which device Phersei investigative agency  implements involves observation, verification and collection of documents, photos and videos, of all the circumstances and behaviors adopted by the alleged cheating spouse contrary to marital promises and therefore incompatible with the legal status double.

Through to marital infidelity investigations will be possible to draw a behavioral profile of the unfaithful spouse, and it can be shown that the same, by his conduct, affects both the dignity of the spouse, and helps to destabilize the relationship with your spouse and integrity and serenity familiar.

Contact us for information, advice or a free quote.

Fees and costs of a private investigator or detective agency prices may vary from case to case?

YES. Fees and costs of a private investigator  or detective agency prices may vary depending on the case to be treated. The private investigator fees and investigative agencies Prices are regulated by a tariff, deposited at the Prefecture at the time the license is issued authorizing the investigator or the agency to carry out private and corporate investigations, gathering information on individuals and / or company.

The rates and prices private investigator starting from a minimum to a maximum applicable that can vary from case to case depending on many variables such as: the type of investigation to be carried out, the analysis of the risk involved, the number of hours / day and the agents used for the activity to be performed in a highly professional manner, the possible use of technology etc.

If it is surveillance and stalking charges start from a few euro to rise, sempe determined based on actual customer demand.

Every investigation is a case in itself, and the agency’s technical director applies the most appropriate rate, which still has to be corresponding to the filed rates. The rates must also be on display at the studio of the private investigator or detective agency.

As for the living costs that the private investigator or detective agency must support for conducting the survey it is to be noted that, as a rule, are characterized by the mileage reimbursement related to vehicles used during the investigation, any tolls, train tickets or other travel documents, car parks, any meals, and all other expenses necessary for the proper and professional performance of the service.

For more information on fees and costs, please contact us at our offices.

L’ Investigative Phersei agency is authorized by the Prefecture to conduct private investigations, corporate and criminal defense.

The shadowing and surveillance of a person can be held during an investigation?


The shadowing and surveillance of a person they are lawful if such checks to be a detective agency or a private investigator legally authorized in the exercise of a survey conducted on a regular power of attorney appointment of a client who has to protect its rights in court. To make the shadowing and surveillance of the person to be monitored, it is necessary that the investigation agency operates with the utmost discretion and professionalism, without causing any discomfort or interference in the private life of the person stalked and watched. If the shadowing and surveillance of the person on it is going to be discovered, the investigator must necessarily terminate activities to avoid the crime of harassment or annoyance to persons. (Art. 660 cp.). The shadowing and surveillance of a person to control,

For stalking and monitoring contact Phersei

The acquisition of documents in the investigation stage is allowed?


The acquisition of documents, surveys, certificates or other documentation provided by current law is allowed to detective agencies. Investigations Milan Phersei produces complete and comprehensive investigative report.


Is advisable to contact a famous private investigator?

Wondering whether it is advisable to seek the investigator Private famous?

The popularity of private investigator can be an important but not crucial. the investigative agency Phersei conducts surveys with high professional standards and uses, even internationally famous partners around the world. Contact a detective agency or  famous investigators  and can be a guarantee. However there are private investigators on the market not particularly famous or known who know how to develop the investigation in a highly professional manner, achieving excellent results. The choice is up to the customer!


The costs, rates and prices of a private investigator in Milan are higher compared to other cities?


The private investigator Milan has costs and prices that are subject to tariffs that are filed by the institute detective at the Prefecture of Milan.

In other Italian cities may vary. In Milan it is said that prices are necessarily higher than other cities.

The survey costs vary depending on the characteristics of the service provided such as the number of media used, the transfers, any rentals, taxi use, airplane tickets, etc.

Prices of an investigator in Milan are in line with the national average rates. As an example, our investigations start from a minimum of € 180.00 a day for a few hours of surveillance rate.

If your necesstà is for assets that do not provide surveillance services and shadowing but other specific requirements regarding information about people or companies also of a financial nature, our agency has prices starting at a few tens of euros to go up according to the theme from treating and the information to be retrieved.

For more information on costs, tariffs and prices Milan investigations can contact Phersei investigations at our offices.

How much does a private investigator?

What are the costs of a private investigator?

The intervention of a private investigator involves costs that may vary as a function of the problem relating to the case treated.

Phersei, in order to facilitate the customer also applies charges varying indexing function of the risk related to the service requested in different budget ranges.

Each service is therefore planned on ever measured in accordance with the possibilities of the customer and always with the utmost attention to providing a highly professional service.

However, the private investigator activities of Phersei have costs that start at a minimum rate of € 180,00 per day VAT and expenses except for a few hours of activity.

There are special service circumstances in which it is possible to apply a comprehensive tariff lump sum to be evaluated as a function of the investigative device to be implemented.

It is the responsibility at the time of appointment at the case and apply the best rate for maximizing the economic benefit for the customer while allowing the agency to have the tools to carry out any investigation in a highly professional manner.

Talk with confidence to our organization, Phersei knows how to best interpret the needs of each patient.

When you contact a private investigator?

Is advisable to contact a  private investigation agency  whenever one needs to acquire information or collect sources of evidence in civil and criminal proceedings. In addition, the private detective agencies can be important tools that also use a consultative level in the resolution of any family problem, corporate, private, safe and family or business protection.

For more information, advice and quotes please contact Phersei free and without obligation.

How to make use of a private investigator?

What is the procedure for use of a private detective agency?

To take advantage of the agency private investigations in Milan Phersei Ltd. should contact by phone our operations center 24 hours 24 the number 02-66111664 or 02-66111664 during office hours to the number and request a telephone consultation with one of our experts.

If you prefer You can send us an email with your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or we can receive you at our offices in Via Giuseppe Marcora, 12 in Milan (Republic area).

Following the first contact you will have at your disposal one of our experts that parties can understand your specific needs and to study the best strategy for the resolution of your case which will take place following a regular power of attorney conferring commissioned so if you want to proceed.

The investigator must maintain confidentiality?


Confidentiality is a requirement that all investigative agencies are required with regard to its clients since contact or promo from the first preliminary advice although not binding. The investigative agencies Phersei Ltd. scrupulously observe professional secrecy in all activities commissioned.

Find a missing person or untraceable?

May I see a detective agency to find a missing person or untraceable?


Finding a missing person or untraceable debtors and track is one of the prerogatives of our detective agency. Private investigators are authorized to track down and find people and have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to achieve satisfactory results. Our detective agency in Milan is also specialized in this activity. Phersei find the person you are looking for.

Upgrades under investigation?

During the investigation the detective agency can update the client about the progress of the investigation?


Among the detective agency  and the client may be an update during the activity. However, it is clear that the contacts and updates between the investigative agencies and the customer must still be used to optimize the service and information activity does not send anxiety and restlessness to the customer by generating tension and nervousness that can create destabilizing phenomena to ‘ current activities.

Detective agency Milano Phersei provides periodic updates to its clients updating them on the status of the investigation.

The investigators can gather information over the telephone?

Private investigators are allowed to collect information such as phone records, headers mobile users?


Personal information is protected under the Privacy Act. In this case it is illegal to collect personal identifiable information to third parties in cases not covered by the law and by the competent bodies. 
The illegal collection of personal information constitutes serious violation of privacy criminally punishable. 
The individual concerned and Telephone Consumer holder has however the right to request personal information about your telephone traffic via request to the carrier.

For investigative advice please contact our detective agency Phersei in Milan.

For a free consultation, contact us.
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